Wednesday, November 30, 2005

phone calls, phone calls, phone calls

Another day has passed, it seems to have been made up of many, many phone calls.

Some of the stand out/hassle/most enjoyable calls were...

calls and sms's organising stuff for the youth ministry conference this week. Must head into college tomorrow and sort some stuff out. (hopefully there will be some ppl around to say hello to, but I fear that most will have moved out)

Then came the phone calls to my future (hopefully) landlord. Trying to come up with a compromise. It looked as though my possible house for next year was falling through as the current tenants are moving out mid-December not mid-January as originally thought. English Lass doesn't get back from the UK til late Jan, so we didn't really want to move in until then. Landlord didn't want the place empty for 6weeks (which I can totally understand). We have struck up a deal that if we move early Jan he will give it to us. It means a loss of 3 weeks rent for him, and an extra 3 weeks rent for us to pay. He is going to think about it and get back to me tomorrow. I told him that I would call English Lass and sus her out.

Phoned English Lass tonight. Woke her up!! I knew I would, but wanted to make sure that I caught her. We decided that we would go with moving in early Jan. I mean, if we didn't take it, and then nothing came up we would be kicking ourselves. It isn't that it is a flash place, but it all about location, location, location!

After a marathon call to the UK (man, am I grateful for international calling cards), I got a call from Snitzal. We chatted for just on an hour. Hearing about his travels and organising a time for that post-exam golden ale.

Now that I have bored you all to sleep, that is where I should head!

Oh yeah, I had to exchange a birthday gift from Mum. So the excitment of the day was a rediscovery of the Mall!!

Monday, November 28, 2005

the rain held off

thankfully the rain held off, and we were able to have the BBQ down at Maroubra.

So yeah, BBQ was lovely, was v spoilt, got a few pressies, and an invisible birthday cake with candles and all that we got to blow out on several occasions!! But the best thing was hanging out with friends. It was nice to hang out without the pressures of college. We are going to try and organise to go and see Harry this weekend. So that'll be a treat. I worked out that I hadn't been to the movies since Revenge of the Sith came out, and that was many months ago.

ahhhh, that is the life

coffee, limitations, a BBQ and promises!

Caught up with Chops for coffee on Sat morning. It was lovely to sit on the beach drinking bacino bar coffee eating hot chips and watching the surfers. I've missed Chops.
I have these grand plans of catching up with people on a regular basis, but it doesn't seem to eventuate, and I end up cramming all of my social life into December/January.

More and more I realise my limitations. It was announced at 7pm service that my last week was coming up. One of the guys asked me if I would come back and visit. I had to honestly say to him that I didn't think that I would. It was hard to say that. It is not as though I don't want to come back and visit. I will miss all of my family there.
But I have realised that it just isn't possible. I had wanted to go back and visit my old church, but having only done that once in the last 2 years. (Not counting my random hang outs with Hey Pastor and Praise the Lord)

Tomorrow is a BBQ for my, Schwepps, Kemp, and Shell's birthdays. It will be good to hang out with college people and in some ways say farewell for 2 months (or longer for those not coming back to college). I also know that I will then be in a sort of limbo.

2 months of vacation. What will I do with it? Rest assured, I worked out my diary, and there is something planned in every week of that. From highschool camps and driving power boats, to camping and moving house.

Feb has already been designated essay, greek and Calvin month. I had a deal last year with Pato, that I would get one of my essays done before college went back or else I had to take him and his family out for dinner. Fortunately, he is yet to claim on that one.
This year WILL be different.

Saturday, November 26, 2005


summary of post exam day:
- post exam traditional beer
- thai dinner
- happy hour cocktails
- live music

It was all great. Got to hang out with heaps of friends, and managed to fall in love.

I am in love with a sax. I have been dreaming of getting one for a while now. But it shall remain a dream for just a little longer.

Today was the final college chapel of the year. It was a little bizarre. Well not chapel in and of itself. I got home, and realised there are many people I won't be seeing for 3 months, and there are many people who I won't be seeing for a lot longer.

Tonight Why Pastor and Praise the Lord took me out for a birthday dinner. It was awesome. They are such great friends, and God has blessed me abundantly through their friendship.

There is so much more that I just can't seem to capture. I feel as though my brain (and body) has gone into meltdown. Sleep once again calls before a weekend filled with catching up with people!!

Friday, November 25, 2005


Well all my exams are over for at least 8 weeks.

I would post something longer, but having just got in after leaving the house nigh on 21 hours ago, bed is calling me.

Thanks for all your prayers and encouragement.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

virus alert

I just received emails to 2 seperate accounts (one to my hotmail, one to my college account) which is a virus.

It looks a little like this:
The subject titles were: Your IP was logged --- AND --- Registration confirmed
From email address: (that got me sus straight away!)

Dear Sir/Madam,

we have logged your IP-address on more than 30 illegal Websites.

Important:Please answer our questions!
The list of questions are attached.

Yours faithfully,
Steven Allison

++++ Central Intelligence Agency -CIA-
++++ Office of Public Affairs
++++ Washington, D.C. 20505
++++ phone: (703) 482-0623
++++ 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., US Eastern time

Do NOT open the attachment.
Fortunately I got sus, and my antivirus is up to date.

only one more day til party time!!!!!

another year older

Well this morning has come, and I am another year older. That's right, it is my birthday. Thanks Seumas and Naughty for your messages. I feel loved!

I had some pretty wacko dreams last night. I woke with a start at 3:30am.
I had 2 pretty bizarro dreams. The first one, was that I had been bitten by an alien, and caught some rare disease and I was going to die on Saturday. So I was franticly studying for my church history exam (which I have no idea why I would do it, if I was going to die 2 days later), and I was freaking out about cleaning and organising my study and bedroom so my parents wouldn't have to do it when I had died! Morbid, I know.
The second, I was locked in the office with Registrar and we were battling it out, and I ended up being kicked out of college.

mmmmm, can anyone interpret dreams?

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Ich liebe Donner-Stürme

Sie wissen, wie, wenn Sie denken, Sie jemanden kennen, aber etwas geschieht und Sie begreifen, dass Sie sie nicht tatsächlich wissen. Gut ist das meine Erfahrung über das letzte wenig während gewesen.
Ich lege hohe Erwartungen auf Leuten, und bin dann enttäuscht, wenn sie ihnen nicht entsprechen. Ich muss aufhören, das zu tun.

Ich sitze das hier Zuhören dem Donner-Gebrüll um mich, ich bete dieser Gott wird fortsetzen, zu verurteilen, zu ändern und mich zu erfrischen. Dass ich jemals näher ihm tagtäglich wachsen werde.

Und ich fand die Spinne!


Ich hatte gerade einen schönen Geburtstag-Tee. Meine ganze Familie war dort. Es ist nicht mein Geburtstag bis Morgen. Aber ich werde wahrscheinlich auch focussed morgen abend sein, um zu feiern. Mein Bruder und sein Mädchen verdarben mich. Sie kauften mich eine schöne Wein-Brille und eine nette Flasche von Wein, um meine Sammlung anzufangen.

Ich erreichte mein Zimmer, um anzufangen, zu studieren, als mein Telefon klingelte. Ich war auf dem Telefon, als ich aufblickte und eine riesige Spinne über mir sah. Ich drehte mich für einen Moment, und jetzt ist es gegangen.Ich habe ein Kopfweh, wie ich mein Zimmer mit Fliege-Spray zerstäubte.Was zu tun? Gehe ich weiter? Oder gebe ich auf und gehe ins Bett? Ich weiß, dass, wenn ich wirklich ins Bett gehe, ich es am Morgen bedauern werde.

Ich werde weitergehen. Ich kann nächste Woche schlafen!

and then there was one

today's exam was, well, relaxed. I was still writing right up until the last minute. Infact my last page was mainly dot points from the essay plan that I had written. But I feel quite confident that I have passed. Am undecided as to whether I will look back over my notes to see if I answered everything right. It might phase me out too much before Thursday.

Reformation Church history to come. Much to be covered. I don't really remember lectures from first semster which is 1/4 of the course, and I am pretty sure that another 1/4 of the course we spoke briefly about in the last lecture of the year. So much for contructive alignment.


Monday, November 21, 2005

a little brightener

I got a birthday pressie all the way from England!

4 down, 2 to go!

it does not bode well

It does not bode well when I leave an exam early. It is normally for one of two reasons.

  1. I know my stuff so well that I have answered the question to the utmost of my ability and there is nothing more to say on the topic. (In which case I am normally writing right until the end anyways).
  2. or, I know the stuff so poorly that all I can do is sit there racking my blank brain.

I don't think today was the former.

I knew as soon as I turned the paper over and read the questions that I was pretty much cactus.
I tried to write down everything that I know about the topics asked. So let's hope that they find enough to give me 50%, and failing that, at least 45% so I can get a supp in Jan.
Let's hope tomorrow's exegetical paper goes a little better!

over and out

Sunday, November 20, 2005

oh yeah

remind me why on earth I was ever thinking of picking up Hebrew next year!
I must have been mentally unstable at that point in time.

that is what it is all about

I have been in radio silence for the last couple of days. Trying (not very well) to study effectively.

I can't really remember anything that I have studied over the last couple of days, and there are less than 12 short hours before my next exam. But much can be learnt in that time!!


Went to church tonight. I love my church. I am going to miss it incredibly. I leave in 4 weeks.

I have been giving singing lessons to some of the teenage girls before church. It has been an awesome opportunity to talk to them about what it means to be a Christian.
Just last week, by accident (God's providence), there was a ten year old girl who was hanging around whilst I was setting up the music for the 5pm service. She joined in the singing when practice started, so I asked her if she wanted a few tips.
She was very excited about that. I would give her a few pointers and then we would practice one of the songs. I then got her to point out any words that she didn't understand. She has such a thirst for knowledge. And as each song came along, she'd point out words afterward and ask me to explain them.
This week, one of the songs we sung was 'In Christ Alone'. After we sung it, she asked "what does 'the wrath of God was satisfied' mean?"
It was great. It made me really think about how what I have been learning about, and how to explain the atonement to a 10 year old.

That is what college is all about. Taking what we are learning and applying it! I love it.

oh yeah, also... I was leading singing, and we were singing 'Thanksgiving' and the Holy Spirit filled me with such a joy. A joy that has once again reminded me of all the the Lord God has done for me.

over and out

Friday, November 18, 2005

Quote of the day:

What the heart loves, the will chooses and the mind justifies.
-Thomas Cranmer

i want more sleep

I gave myself some time off last night. I'm glad I did, I dropped in at a friends and I feel as though I've had a break.
The only down side that I find though to giving yourself some down time is that when you get back into it, your body cries out telling you in every possible way that it is exhausted and wants some rest.
That's where I'm at right now. Mum woke me up with a freshly made coffee, and I really need to hit the books, but my body is crying out to me, just aching to go back to bed. Maybe I will go for a quick swim down the beach. The water is still freezing, so that should wake me up. I need to get this body going on all the adrenalin again.

My NOW and THEN list (post exam list).
My handy hint for the day:
Exam study cannot, cannot, CANNOT be put on the THEN list.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

half way there

This time next week, I will be a year older (damn, I already struggle when people ask me how old I am), and exams will be over! - YAY

So how was the exam today I hear you ask!
Well, that is what everyone was asking me when I walked out, and I have to be honest in saying "I really don't know." What I mean by that is that Ijust wasn't sure how I went. I think I answered the questions, but hey, we'll find out come December (or is it Jan?).

But if you were to ask now, how was it? I would have to say, that I think I passed. I came home and rang Snitzal and went through the questions and the essay outlines that I had for them. He seemed to think that I had done ok. I also emailed them to a lecturer. I just got an email back from him saying that if my essays reflect what my outline says, then I should pass. So that is a relief. But you know what... if I didn't... "It's all good"

There was one question on the paper that I particularly enjoyed writing. It was about how we as humans are made in the image of God, and the implications of that for life and relationships. I enjoyed it as I was able to pull in stuff from not just the creation component of the course, but was able to chuck in the stuff that we had looked at re authority and gender based relationships and also some trinity stuff.

One of my aims for the paper was to get bible and a theologian in each question, and I think from memory I managed to do that, maybe some of the connections weren't fantastic, but I tried!!

Other exciting news of the day. I got some post which wasn't a bill! - thanks curator
BTW, those college people out there reading this, my pigeon hole has been lacking in love over the last week!

So three down, three to go, then comes the harvest.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

2 things

I have learnt many things today, but 2 things have stood out.

Knowing God is all about knowing him through Jesus. And not only that, but knowing God through Jesus at the cross.

The other is that it is all about Perichoresis.

Now back to the inerrancy of Scripture.

I would also add that I have also been reminded of God's faithfulness


Ich werde heute frustriert. Es gibt einen großen Betrag der Arbeit noch, um vor der Überprüfung Morgen gelernt zu werden. Ich mag Doktrin. Doktrin ist ein Thema dass Einflüsse ganze unsere Schäferarbeit. Das Ding, dass ich hart über Doktrin-Überprüfungen finde, besteht darin, dass ich die akademische Weise nicht verstehe zu schreiben. Ich wünsche, dass sie mir ein Schäferdrehbuch geben würden, um mich auf meinem doktrinellen Verstehen zu prüfen.

Ich werde auch über einige andere Dinge frustriert. Vielleicht werde ich von ihnen später schreiben.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Another one bites the dust...

Another one down. Today's New Testament paper was the Greek section.
Basically we get given a whole lot of chunks of the NT in greek (from our selected texts of course) and then we translate and write exegetical comments on the passage. I like to compare it to writing a really boring sermon. No illustrations.
You see a word, you stop, you explain what it is doing, and why it is important and you move on. Repeat process.

It was a reasonably nice paper, well at least I thought it was. I have been working pretty hard over the last few weeks on translation. I have been sitting down most nights with Mum, for an hour or so, and she will read along the ESV whilst I translate.
I managed to get all of the translations out, bar 3 words, one of which I knew a week ago and is a hapax (ie only occurs once in NT), but that information was lost to me.
And I think I covered the main things that I was meant to in the passages. I am fairly confident that I will pass.

So next things next, the exam of doom coming up on Thursday.... Doctrine!!

Time for me to pack away all the NT books and folders, slightly clean up this room, and get into all the theology books.

Oh yeah, I still miss my friends.

Monday, November 14, 2005


I'm bored

I'm sick of studying

I just want to hang out with my friends

I want to have a USB port in the back of my head

*I want *I want *I want



A German Lullaby

Goldne Wiegen schwingen
Und die Mücken singen;
Blumen sind die Wiegen,
Kindlein drinnen liegen;
Auf und nieder geht der Wind,
Geht sich warm und geht gelind.

Wie viel Kinder wiegen,
Wie viel soll ich kriegen?
Eins und zwei und dreie,
Und ich zähl aufs neue;
Auf und nieder geht der Wind,
Und ich weine wie ein Kind.

1 down, 5 to go!!!

Well it wasn't actually as bad as what I thought it was going to be. We had to write 5 essays and I knew something about 4 of them. So that meant only 1 really dodgy essay, 2 moderately dodgy essays, and 2 ok essays. I think I should have done enough to pass.

The 5 that I wrote on were:
Evidence of the life and teachings of Jesus in Pauline writings, and the place that has in Pauline theology. (This was the really dodgy one)
What place the trial motif and forensic language plays in the purpose of the Fourth Gospel.
What contrinubution John's Gospel plays in undertand the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
What is Paul's teaching on wisdom (in 1 Cor) and why does he write it to the Corinthians.
What does Romans 1-4 teach about God.

The amusing thing is that for the last couple of weeks I have been listening to my set texts on my MP3 player on repeat. So when I was in the exam, I kept hearing the ESV in an American accent playing in my head.

Now, onto the next task for tomorrow's exam is in Greek! arrghhh
I hope that I hear that American's voice during tomorrow's exam.

6 to go....

Day one of exams has opened.

6 to go.

Time to get a coffee and head into town.

I am not feeling super confident about this one (or any of them for that matter), I just can't seem to retain all the necessary information. Hopefully it will come back to me one I am in there. If it doesn't, it could well be a long 3.5 hours!

Saturday, November 12, 2005


I have just finished reading an article in the Good Weekend. I am disgusted.

Following is some extracts from the article titled: “Tips for a top formal”

“I know what’s good for you, so below is my guide to your school formal with very important tips on fashion, boys, beauty, being a slut, drinking, sex, formal behaviour and so much more.”

“It’s really important (especially for the less-hot girls) to get a hot date as SOON as possible. […] Don’t be embarrassed to ask too early. But choose carefully, ‘cause some guys change heaps and can get seriously fugly in their late teens.”
“This might sound weird but it’s really cool to take, like, a disadvantaged person to your formal. If you go with a hot disabled guy or a hot black guy you will totally get heaps of attention and it’ll make you look really caring. When I say disabled I don’t mean like Down syndrome or something, I mean like a hot guy in a wheelchair.”

“If you’re a nerd, a goth, a fat chick, an Asian (excluding hot Asians) or a lesbian, you’re basically not welcome.”

“Whatever you choose, it’s important to look elegant, feminine and a little bit like a slut. […] It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on what your friends are planning to wear. You don’t want them to look hotter than you. Advise them to wear a really fugly colour and lie about how good it looks on them.”
“Wear a ribbon for a charity. Fold a random piece of ribbon and pin it to your dress. It makes you look really compassionate and caring. If you don’t know of any causes, just make one up. Hurricane Katrina is still really cool, so say it’s for that.”

“Okay, you have to get smashed at the pre-formal party. There is no alcohol at the formal, remember, so you have to be drunk enough to last until the after-party.”
[it then gives information on what to drink in order to get drunk quickly and how to smuggle alcohol into the formal]

“This is point in the night where you ditch the guy you came with. He has usually served his purpose by now and you will not get any hotter guys cracking onto you if he’s hanging around. […] If he’s the wheelchair guy you can really easily lose him in a crowd. Another good reason to go with him.”
-Good Weekend (Sydney Morning Herald Publication) 12th Nov 2005 page 33-34

Is this really what we are feeding our teenagers? I know that this magazine’s demographic pitch is 20-30’s. But still.
Is this the type of morality that we want to promote to our teenagers? I know that this article is meant as a bit of a laugh and a joke (well at least I hope that it is), but these views must really be out there for it to be written at all.

Am I overreacting?

Friday, November 11, 2005

Lost sight of where you are going?

It is strange that while praying, we seldom ask for a change of character,
but always a change of circumstances.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

can we go pig-shooting?

The origin of man and the rest of the creation links him far more closely with all the other created beings that with the God who did the creating.

This means that there is a very real kinship between man and the rest of the creatures. They are not something totally alien to him. Becuase in a sense all creatures are man's kin, there should be a harmony between man and the rest of the creatures. In acutal practice this may not be the case, but it is the human, and not the rest of creation, that has introduced the disharmony.

When taken seriously, man's kinship with the rest of creation has a definite impact. Ecology takes on a rich meaning. The word derives from the Greek oikos, which means "house". Thus, "ecology" points up the idea that there is one great household. Wht man does to one part of it affects other parts as well, a truth that is becoming painfully clear to us as we find pollution harming human lives, and the destruction of certain natural predators leaving pests a relatively unhampered opportunity.

The truth that we are kin to the rest of creation also tells us that we are to be humane. The other living creatures may be used as food for man. They are not, however, to be destroyed wastefully for the sheer pleasure of it. [...] The welfare of those other creatures is important to God, and it should be to man as well.

-Erickson (Christian Theology, Baker Books: Grand Rapids, 1995) 488-489

It's an interesting thought.

Are we mindful enough of creation? Does this mean that pig-shooting and hunting is out? Do we acknowledge our responsibility and relationship to creation enough? Of do we simply focus on how we have a unique position in creation, looking only at dominion, and forgetting that we too are part of creation?

ahhh the serenity

I am feeling slightly more sane today due to going into college and chatting to a few people.

The excitement of the day was getting not one, but two essays back.
  1. Our OT essays came back earlier this week, and I already knew my mark due to Naughty going over and having a peak for me. My mark was 'satisfactory', but nothing outstanding. OT was one of my better subjects last year. I think it is suffering from neglect. Something I will have to remedy in the upcoming week.
  2. But the other exciting essay was that I finally got my Church History essay back. Like, how many weeks after everyone elses? And yes, the downgrade that I mentioned a few weeks back, has been withdrawn! YAY. That take a little pressure off the exam.

I went and visited some friends in Room C. We talked of the good old days (ie stuvac last year) when I too had set up office there. Got some study papers of Whitey, who reckons they are the goods. Well he should know, after all he made it into third year.

Went to the shops this arvo and picked out some hair dye, only to leave and forget to purchase it - *twit*

and the bugs are still attacking me!

I am very thankful!

I am really thankful that my salvation is not dependant on these upcoming exams, and their results. I am thankful that Jesus is the only way. That it is not Jesus plus ____ .

I have been putting a lot of pressure on myself. I've had all these thoughts of maybe going on and doing post-grad studies, when here I am freaking out that I may not even pass. But you know what? Essentially, I just have to do what I can, in the knowledge that even if I fail, what is another year? Right?!

I mean, I know I have to be faithful, and do the best I can and not waste the time that God has given me at college, but essentially, I can do it. (can you tell that I am trying to convince myself of that fact?)

Psalm 19

For the director of music. A psalm of David.

Ps 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Ps 19:2 Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.
Ps 19:3 There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Ps 19:4 Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.

In the heavens he has pitched a tent for the sun,
Ps 19:5 which is like a bridegroom coming forth from his pavilion,
like a champion rejoicing to run his course.
Ps 19:6 It rises at one end of the heavens
and makes its circuit to the other;
nothing is hidden from its heat.

Ps 19:7 The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul.
The statutes of the LORD are trustworthy,
making wise the simple.
Ps 19:8 The precepts of the LORD are right,
giving joy to the heart.
The commands of the LORD are radiant,
giving light to the eyes.
Ps 19:9 The fear of the LORD is pure,
enduring forever.
The ordinances of the LORD are sure
and altogether righteous.
Ps 19:10 They are more precious than gold,
than much pure gold;
they are sweeter than honey,
than honey from the comb.
Ps 19:11 By them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.

Ps 19:12 Who can discern his errors?
Forgive my hidden faults.
Ps 19:13 Keep your servant also from willful sins;
may they not rule over me.
Then will I be blameless,
innocent of great transgression.

Ps 19:14 May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
O LORD, my Rock and my Redeemer.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005



(shakes head, trying to clear the fog of confusion)

*screams again*

(wishes some of her male friends were around to chat to!)


(leaves the building)

sun, sand and waves - or lack of them

Well, I have to admit that there is one disadvantage to moving into the city next year. That is, that I will be further away from the beach. I have been taking study breaks in the afternoons as they are my least productive time. Normally I head down the gym, but today as it is so warm, I thought I'd go for a surf/swim. And as it was so warm, I fooled myself into thinking that I wouldn't need my wettie for a surf. Well it certainly was chilly in the water. Summer has hit, but the water hasn't caught up. I ended up discarding the board and going body surfing instead. Besides, the waves were smiddly.

Now that I am all refreshed and the cold water has washed the cobwebs away, it is back into it.

I am pretty freaked out and panicky at the moment about these upcoming exams. I find myself unable to settle and sit and concentrate for when I do, I realise that there is something else that I also need to look at. But when I actually stop myself and focus, I am finding it all fascinating (except for church history!).

If you are of the praying sort, please pray for me, that I will have some focus, and that I will not be selfish in these weeks, but that I will seek to give glory to God, in all that I do, and all that I am.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Wie können wir Gott kennen?

Es ist eine interessante Frage, um zu denken. Ist Kenntnisse dessen was wird offenbart, dafür notwendig zu sein? Wenn wir sagen, dass wir Gott kennen, was meinen wir? Enthüllung ist die Tat, in der Gott sich uns durch das Wort offenbart hat. Es ist auch das Wort, als der Agent in und sich selbst.

Ich genieße dieses Thema. Ich wünsche, dass ich es gelesen hatte, bevor ich mich mit meinem Freund letzte Woche traf. Mindestens werde ich noch eine Munition nächstes Mal haben, wenn ich mich mit ihm treffe.

Aber leider kann ich nicht studierend dieses Themas den ganzen Tag bleiben. Joannine-Theologie muss unternommen werden.

Ich wünsche sehr viel, dass ich mehr Zeit hatte. Nicht weil ich bessere Ränge wünsche, aber weil ich alles wissen mag. Weil alles davon dafür lebenswichtig ist, was ich nach der Universität tun will.

Monday, November 07, 2005

phone calls, study and dreams

I just phoned English Lass (my flatmate for next year) who is in England, and told her about the house I looked at last week. She was excited. And in her usual way said: "I don't care about the dark or the size really as long as I can make my room bug-proof!"
She agreed with me that going for a place with larger bedrooms and smaller living area made more sense than getting a flat with 2 small bedrooms and lots of living space but no-where to study.

While I was on the phone to her the post arrived and she received the college magazine that I posted over to her last week. The squeals and excitement made it well worth the $10.80 in postage!

I feel as though I have covered much ground today, but it makes me realise there is an inordinate amount to cover over the next few days. I swing from feeling ok about it to despair!

I had a dream last night where the universal red was attacking me! Bah Snuh! Philosophy was last week, I want now to only dream the answers to the upcoming exams.

Some date ideas...

A friend asked me if I had any date ideas, and seeing as I am in the first day of the 'week of doom' (stuvac) I gave myself around a 20 minute break to brainstorm:

  1. The beach sculptures are happening at Bondi Beach until 20th Nov.

  2. If it is raining, go jumping in puddles.

  3. Get a canvas (available at most bargain stores), some spray paint and/or house paint that might be laying around the house, and create an artwork.

  4. The cooking game. You each get $10, head in different directions in the supermarket/deli and buy random items, head home, and see what you can make.

  5. Bake a cake, and then drop it round to a mutual friends house, just to say 'We care.'

  6. Go on a road trip (not good for those who suffer with travel sickness)

  7. Go to a second-hand bookstore and buy a something neither of you would normally read, then go somewhere (beach maybe) and then read it aloud to one another.

  8. Spend a Saturday morning trailing garage sales.

  9. Go in-line skating (Manly beach is nice for this) then finish it off with hot chips on the beach.

  10. Take a walk through a cemetery (at night) and make up stories about what different people could have been like.

  11. Live theatre (amateur as well as professional).

  12. Catch a ferry from the Quay to Manly, go to Coldrock for ice cream and then walk around to Shelly Beach.

  13. Borrow some digital cameras and spend the day at the zoo.

  14. Go into the city for the day with your cameras and spend the day seeing what unusual/interesting things you can photograph.

  15. Spend an afternoon going through these pictures and make an album.

  16. Make some play dough or get some clay and try and sculpt one another's heads.

  17. Go to the play set in the park and swing on the swings.

  18. Fill their car with balloons. (I know, not really a date, but a fun thing to do).

  19. Create a scavenger hunt, leaving clues for them to find the next one, which leads to a picnic somewhere.

  20. For all of the above, the number one priority:Enjoy one another's company!!

Now back to the books.

Sunday, November 06, 2005

I believe it!

CREED - Lyrics by Third Day

I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
He was conceived by the Holy Spirit
Born of the virgin Mary
Suffered under Pontius Pilate
He was crucified and dead and buried

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man

I believe that He who suffered, was crucified, buried, and dead
He descended into hell and on the third day, He rose again
He ascended into Heaven where He sits at God's mighty right hand
I believe that He's returning
To judge the quick and the dead of the sons of men

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man

I believe it, I believe it
I believe it
Yes, I believe it
Oh, I believe it

I believe in God the Father
Almighty Maker of Heaven and Maker of Earth
And in Jesus Christ His only begotten Son, our Lord
I believe in the Holy Spirit
One Holy Church, the communion of Saints
The forgiveness of sin
I believe in the resurrection
I believe in a life the never ends

And I believe what I believe is what makes me what I am
I did not make it, no it is making me (x3)
It is the very truth of God and not the invention of any man

I believe it, I believe it...

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Just did my budget for next year...

Need to raise $4740 in support.

Please pray that I won't be anxious about this, and that I will trust in God's provision.

road trips, exams and houses

I slept the morning away. It feels like an eternity since I have done that. I caught up with my good friend Trinity last night. We went on a little road trip, visited some people, went silly on too much caffiene, ate fish and chips on the beach!

As I try and shake the fog from my mind, I sit here and think... I am sure there was something that I was meant to do this morning.

For those wondering how the Philosophy exam went. I was a little bummed that the stuff that I had studied in depth wasn't really in there. I will be very suprised if I fail. I answered a question on 'reductio ad absurdum', which I was feeling ok about, until at our usual debrief (the pub), KW told me how I had totally answered it the wrong way. arrgggghhhh. That is why I don't like to disect exams after they are done. Sitting them once is enough for me!

Well enough is enough. That exam is done, there is nothing I can do about it now, but it is time for me to continue getting ready for the next ones.

Other exciting news....
I visited a house yesterday arvo, for English Lass and myself for next year. It is small, dark, not much natural light, expensive, but.... and this is the best thing.... it is like 3 miunutes walk from college. It is basically one long hallway, with the 2 bedrooms coming off it to the left as you walk in. You keep walking and there is a lounge room, keep walking and you are in the kitchen/ette and then step out the door into the 2mx1m back yard which backs onto another laneway. It needs a coat of paint, and a few other things. But the current tenants are going to talk to the landlord for us. It is very exciting. Although the living area is small, the bedrooms are a decent size. I reckon I would have room for my queen bed in there and also my desk and bookcases. All the other stuff that I have looked at has had larger living area and smaller rooms. English Lass and myself need space to study, so even if we went for something with a larger living space, that would end up being taken up as study space anyway. I think this place could be a goer. I msg'd EL and she was excited. I'm going to call her next week. Daylight savings is making it easier to call the UK at the moment which is great.


Todays tasks:
Clean study. This is very important, and my priority cos if it doesn't get done today, then it won't get done, and it will make exam weeks all that more stressful.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

God just doesn't throw a life preserver to a drowning person. He goes to the bottom of the sea, and pulls a corpse from the bottom of the sea, takes him up on the bank, breathes into him the breath of life and makes him alive.
-R. C. Sproul

I need to have a cry

I really think that I need to have a good thorough cry. I no longer feel numb about my meeting with my friend the other day. Emotion has hit me like a ton of bricks, I am feeling sick to the stomach. I met with KGC this arvo to ask his adivce. He was v helpful.

I'm going to go down the gym (I really have been slack the last few days), and then hopefully I will be able to focus on some philosophy for tomorrow.

As much as I whinge about it, I really do enjoy philosophy. I may not understand it a huge deal (although thanks to the Jedi Master, I have an expert on hand who makes things a lot simpler, esp seeing as Snitzal isn't around at college this year - he was the one who got me through 1st year philosophy!), but I enjoy untangling it all.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Ich denke, dass ich jetzt verstehe, wie es arbeitet. Ich denke, dass ich weiß, wie der Egalitarian und Complementarian arguements arbeiten. Sowohl in Bezug auf den Gott, als auch der Menschheit.

*blushes* then ROFWL

Saw this on the Anglican Media website!

Why didn't I learn from last time?!

My dark brown skirt that I got from a 2nd hand store ran in the wash. It did this last time as well, but yet, I still didn't remember to wash it separately!! Fortunately it was my darks load, so there isn't too much damage. Rescued some of the lighter darks (can you have lighter darks?) ie colours, and have now put them to soak.

I really don't feel like studying. It is such a gorgeous day outside. My favourite beachside cafe is calling me.... I can hear it now. Maybe I will take my books down there. I love it. I set myself up. There's no need to order, they bring out my coffee, clear it away about 45mins later, then 15 mins after that they bring me another one. Ahh such a life.

I would even venture to say that Bacino Bar coffee rivals Campo's!

sane, or insane.... that is the question

I spent the morning being 'psycho-analysed' as I call it. I had to go and have a psychological test to see if I really am sane. I mean seriously, if I was sane, why would I be applying to become an Anglican!
It is all good. I really believe that this testing and process that they put people through is a good thing.

BTW - for those that are interested...
On the firm advice of some friends, I donned a pair of proper shoes for this interview! Oh how I love being at college where I can wear havaianas every day.

Now I must not get into the procrastination groove, but there is washing to be done while the sun is still out, and study always at hand.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

emotion overload

It is really bizarre. I think my emotions have overloaded today. Too much sensory input, and now they are malfunctioning. I feel... well, i don't think I am feeling anything.

I have been overwhelmed today with the knowledge and awareness of sin, and the results of sin in this world.

I had a really hard convo with a friend this arvo. He is struggling/working through a lot of things. I have a deep concern for him, that he is treading a dangerous line in both his faith, and his actions/morals. I am scared of the consequences. I am scared that he is making God unknowable, and I am scared that he is going to hurt people if he acts on his desires.

Earlier on today my friend Naughty reminded me of the very thing that I preached on a week and a bit ago. 1 Cor 12. The body of Christ. How when one member feels pain, we all feel it, and when one member is exalted, then we are all joyful.
Today, I feel the pain. I came back from that convo to find a friend in pain.

I don't think that is a bad thing that I am feeling this pain. It has not depressed or upset me, it is more that I am grieving for those that are hurting.

This is not a true reflection of the whole day. There were some highlights. I did manage to escape college lunch of pasties and enjoy Thai with a girl in 3rd year. (Yummy treat, which I am v glad of)
And I also got some feedback on some exegetical exercises that I had submitted to RJG last week. I would have passed them!! Now I just need to get the rest of my passages up to that level.