Sunday, October 16, 2005

Creative Constraints

I finally got it finished! My painting that I have been working on is out of my hands, and what a relief. It is in an "art show" next weekend. I had finished the background around 2 months ago, and it has been laying dormant for that time. I had to get it finished to drop it off today, so I set aside a couple of hours yesterday. I am not overly happy with it, but it is done.
The theme of the art show is "Seasons of Life". I meant to take a piccy of it to post here, but ran out of time. Will try to get one next weekend. I am going to aim at getting another painting done for it, but I am a little unsure as to when.

I am feeling a little overwhelmed with my studies at the moment. Unsure of when or how I can get everything done during the hours of each week.

Tasks for this week:
Write sermon for next Sunday (1 Cor 12:12-30)
Read Hubmaier on Free Will
Discuss Hubmaier on Tuesday
Study Philosophy (realised that exam is in week 6 this term, and not in exam period)
Translate and flowchart Romans 4 (submit to RJG)
2 Exegetical exercises to submit to RJG
Read some more Barth
Understand a small amount of Barth
Stir the pot a little in doctrine discussions!

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