Monday, November 13, 2006


I'm glad that one is over!

Out of a possible 12 questions, 3 were on the paper and one unseen question.
Here's what I wrote on:
  1. Evaluate the textual and theological significance of the Septuagint version of Jeremiah. (Unlikely as it may seem, this was the one that I knew the most about!)
  2. Evaluate the significance of the poetic for of the Psalms for their theological message. Illustrate your answer with examples.
  3. Critically and theologically evaluate Stephen Cook's approach to apocalypticism and the literature associated with it. (Not really sure whether I managed a comprehensive answer on this one).
  4. Unseen Question - In what ways, if any, does the standpoint of the writer (sixth or second century B.C.) affect the theological interpretation of the book of Daniel?
    (I think I managed to string together a coherant answer for this one)
I didn't manage to slip any interesting phrases into this exam paper. Bummer. I think this is only the second time that has happened in any of my exams whilst at college. I'll have to try harder tomorrow. Although, I did write about Jesus whilst talking about apocalyptic literature!

Now it is time to head out to a coffee shop to sit outside sipping coffee reading over my notes for tomorrow's exam.


Trinette said...
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Trinette said...

Great job B! I'm on the exam treadmill as well - one down, three to go ...

-bw said...

you go girl!
short term pain, long term gain :)

David said...

Praying for ya! Pretty soon it will be all over and we can sip coffee together on my days off!

-bw said...

thanks bro :)
coffee sounds like a plan. we can go sit and ponder the mysteries of barth!!

Anonymous said...

Well I'm on holidays now, and I have time to blog-surf. And the funny thing is, all the blogs I visit have the same exam paper, and everyone answered the Septuagint version of Jeremiah question...

-bw said...

hi john,
i hope you enjoy your holidays! i'm looking forward to next thursday afternoon when ours begin.
yeah, that OT exam was a funny one. There was only 1 question from each module and you had to answer it unless it came from the module you did your essay on.
So unless you did an OT essay from the text crit stuff earlier in the year, you had to answer the LXX Jeremiah question.
fun fun, joy joy

Anonymous said...

Ah, a surprisingly simple explanantion.

Well, all the very best to you for the last week of exams.