Thursday, November 16, 2006

jam, scones and ethics

it looks as though jam and scones wins the poll.
ethics is up this morning. in just 6 and a bit hours, i will be halfway through my exams!

my brain is already stewing away some possibilities to weave jam and scones into my exam.
somebody said to me yesterday: 'don't you find exams hard enough without setting yourself extra challenges?'
or course i find exams hard, i'm not exactly an A-grade student. but i do like setting some sort of goal (other than passing) in order to make them more enjoyable.

i had lunch with doylie yesterday. his challenge to me for the doctrine exam (of doom) next thursday is to get totentanz into one of my essays.

bring it on!

1 comment:

Naomi said...

It seems appropriate to get the dance of death into your exam of doom ;)

"Bring it on!" - Sounds like we have both been spending too much time with JT - he he :)