Sunday, September 25, 2005

Sunday ramblings

I heard it said tonight, in relation to a sermon on Gen 15:8-20, that Jesus was punished for our breaking of the covenant. They were talking about it saying that when covenant is made, the people who are making it are making a legally binding agreement, and that if they break the agreement then they are to be made just like the cut animals. And the person said that Jesus is broken in our place for the broken covenant. And you see, I was thinking, isn't the covenant in Gen 15 a unilateral covenant. I don't get how they were making the connection.

Got any ideas?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I see the connection but Im not sure thatyou can say that Jesus was punished for any breaking of a Gen 15 covenant. But for the guilt that the law brings us (Jew and Gentile).

Jesus' death brings the full weight of the law upon himself. He was made a curse for us (Gal). The law declares everyone single person guilty before God (Rom 3).

I guess Gen 15 shows us in a vivid way the nature of covts. True, it is unilateral, but it still points to the cross in that God bears the cost of the covt.