Wednesday, March 22, 2006

jumping in puddles

having stripped off my soaking wet jeans, I now sit and download the fun filled evening that was had...

the day started dreary, with another 8am lecture. I spent the morning wondering how I would be able to make it through the day.
BUT YES, the day did evolve!
Doyle for Doctrine at 8am, yup, well not much more to say than "I wish I'd made a triple expresso, not just a double"
OT Canon and Text, not really sure what was going on there, but it is my own fault for not doing the pre-reading.
PtOB spent our Romans class today to talk about NT Wright's visit yesterday, which I found most engaging and feeling a little lost, but also wanting to read some more (which is always a good sign).
Lunch was spent in the lovely company of English Lass, and we discussed domestics, logistics, and vegie buying schedules.
I spent the next hour with some friends, where I chaired a discussion on the place of music in the church meeting. (interesting, maybe more thoughts to come on that later)
Then came chick's chaplaincy group...
Followed by a Heeb session with Swan. She taught me the ins and outs of compund shewa's and stuff. And we got to have a quick weekly catch up, which was nice.
Walking back to college, I bumped into some fellow Heeb students, and so chilled and ran through heebs with them for a while.
Finally got home at 5:30!
Now the fun begins....

Cooked dinner for Trinity and the Irish TG from SMBC. Much laughs. The Irish TG (hence for referred to as ITG), is a friend of English Lass' from a few years ago. So Trinity and I got to sit back and be amused by their accents.

Then, one of the guys from SMBC had organised an outing to the Marly. So of course we had to go drop in. Might I add, that that is the first time that I have been out to the Marly since moving into the city!!
Was fun hanging out with old and new friends. I hope we do it again soon.

Then walking back, the silly spirit bit me. Knowing that I had to come home to be writing these 2 exegeticals on Romans 5 for tomorrow, I was just itching to let all my silliness out. Linking arms with Trinity, I proceeded to stop in front of a puddle, got her to look down at it, and you guessed it, I jumped smack bang in the middle of it, soaking both of us!
Then got the hysterics.
I think after the weekend, I needed to have a good laugh.
Am feeling better now. Although am severly tempted to put off doing these essays, and submit them to RJG on Friday. I mean, it isn't as though we haven't got stuff to work through tomorrow, he is taking me through my NT2ii paper to pick holes in it.

But alas, my bed cannot be seen amidst the mess of papers, so I guess that leaves me working for a little while longer.

I am struggling between social and study life at the moment. I want to study, well at least I want to want to study. It seems that at every turn I am faced with another option of a social event. Last night it was Jedi Master's birthday, so we went out to this delish vegan place for dinner.

As some of you know, I have been experimenting more and more with painting. Now, my parents have enjoyed some of these (dare I say it) artworks, and they have been gradually filling our lounge room, but for the first time, I painted something for someone other than family, with them in mind. I gave Jedi Master a canvas (with paint on it!) for his birthday. I was a little dubious about this, as you never really know how art can go down, or what style someone is or likes. I think he liked it, or at least he was being polite, and thanked me for it. (JM, if you read this, am totally not offended if you want to hide it away under a book or something!)

But as for art, I think I need to be disciplined, and put it away for the next week or so.

I think a quiet night in tomorrow night is in order. English Lass is going out, so I can cook my potatoe and rice curry, clean my room, and get stuck into readings. Also it is a late library night, so I may head up there at some stage to do some more copying for my essay.

Ok, ok, enough of the marathon, really is time for me to run away (and join the circus)


Anonymous said...

actually, it's really quite my thing. but you need to help me hang it. i really appreciate and like it.

- the Jedi Master

Trinette said...

Hmmm ... I think I'm still drying out B ... thanks!