Sunday, January 29, 2006

just the mundanes

I slept over at my new place for the first time last night! There wasn't too much noise, and because of my mozzie net, I didn't get eaten alive.

Speaking about eating, I had dinner with some friends last night. Good coffee, good food, most of all good company - what more can a girl want?! I even got to go gaga and cuddle their 3 week old. I still get nervous holding young babies. I feel comfortable with them once they hit about 3 months. But I guess I did ok, he didn't scream too much, and ended up going to sleep while I was holding him.

So why am I blogging, when just the other day I said that I would have the net at my new place??
ok, ok, so I am behind schdule (just slightly!). I still haven't turned my PC off. I turned it off the other day, only to switch it on again when I realised that I couldn't actually get to my desk to move it behind all the boxes. Can almost get to it. With another couple of hours work, I will have most of my stuff at my new place. I have a week until English Lass gets back. By then, I MUST have all my stuff out from her room. I have discovered that it has been a really good thing to move in and have a spare room. I was able to unpack my bookcases and stuff into boxes, move those into EL's room, then transport the bookcases over, and then unpack them from there.

blah blah blah, the mundanes of my life. Maybe I will post something on Calvin when I get around to starting my summer reading.

It felt a little surreal being there last night on my own. The only time I have ever lived on my own (well can't really call it lived) is when I have house sat for people. I think the longest was a month. I don't want to get too addicted to living there on my own, as I only have a week of it. I think I could become quite selfish if I lived on my own all the time.

Tomorrow reality hits. I think my days will consist of researching for my doctrine essay, my nights with unpacking/cleaning/working out whose house to visit for dinner, and my late nights are for Calvin. And somewhere in there, visiting all those friends who have just, or are about to have babies.

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