Trust is something that is part of a relationship. Not a one-way relationship, but a two-way relationship. It is something that is developed as the relationship grows. It is not bought. Nor bribed.
It means that you are able to rely on the integrity of a person or thing.
How can we trust if trust has been broken? Should we trust if trust has been broken? Or is that plain foolishness?
I once received some advice that in building the bridge of trust you should always stay one step ahead of the other side. Trust is built as it is reciprocated, but grace means you stay ahead.
I guess repentence is an important part of broken trust, and forgiveness.
<-[if-supportEmptyParas]-> How can support empty paragraphs if you keep writing things in them?<--[endif]->
today i have again been thinking about the nature of trust and authority. I was thinking about Jesus. He didn't entrust himself to men.
I think there is a certain amount of wisdom in not trusting unconditionally.
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