Friday, March 16, 2007

Week 3

classes (other than chapel tomorrow morning) are over.

I've made a start on my Hebrews exegetical. Project work is going well - I have a file of stuff to read over the weekend and several books on loan.
I even have a lead on where I think I may start for my chick's chapel sermon on faithfulness.
I submitted an Issues in Theology topic.
So things are going along.

I had a slightly more productive day today - had my head in greek texts for 4.5 hours before coming up for a breather and wondered where the time had gone.

Tomorrow I will start reading Always Reforming for that upcoming book review that is due.
Tomorrow I will remember to buy my brother's birthday present.
Tomorrow I will unpack another box.
Tomorrow I will reply to some overdue emails.


michael jensen said...

Hey, what'd you decide to do for Issues in T?

-bw said...

email I sent said:

The connection between forgiveness and repentance in human relationships.

In other words what I am looking at is:
Should we tell victims of abuse to forgive the unrepenting abuser?

or another angle that I am thinking is:
Should victims of abuse offer forgiveness to the unrepenting abuser?

-bw said...

can there be forgiveness without repentance?

what do you reckon about that topic?

David said...

I recommend reading a book called 'The Art of Forgiving. When you Need to Forgive and Don't know how' by Lewis Smedes. It has some logical, common sense things to say on this topic.

michael jensen said...

No, the best book is by Miroslav Volf, his recent one on Forgiveness.

Great stuff.

David said...

Thanks Michael- I'll check it out. I'm planning some sermons on this topic later on in the year. Any more recommendations? (For me, and maybe Bec will find it useful too! :))