Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday Morning Ritual

Over the past year and a bit, most Saturday mornings have seen me at the Ould's. It was not a planned habit, but one that is certainly enjoyed.

I love going over for breakfast and coffee. But it is more than coffee or food that brings me back each week.
I love talking theology with Dave, fashion and craft with Jacqui, reading with Charis and playing with Ethan.

Over the past week I have been frustrated with being at college and not able to be in parish more than one day. But today, I came to the realisation that when I leave college, it will also mean a change in many of my relationships. And about that, I will be sad.

So no more feeling frustrated about where I am today, or for the rest of the year - it is about making the most of where God has placed me!!

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