Wednesday, December 20, 2006

one way to downsize....

is to move every 12 months!

in other thoughts:
I have been thinking more about the project I would like to do next year. For the last 6 months or so, I was set on "towards an ethic of contentment with specific application to singleness". Or some other ethics based project.
But my New Testament Theology mark was quite good in my recent exams, which has been prompting a few other thoughts.

I have been throwing around the idea of looking at a Pauline theology of singleness or such.

Any suggestions out there as to what I could muse on?


michael jensen said...

I thought the contentment one was a great idea!

Are you being allowed to do a project then?

-bw said...

Yeah, I still like the contentment one. But I thought it might be good to throw some other ideas around.
I was pondering whether or not to take an ethics angle or NT theology angle.

I haven't got confirmation that I am allowed to do the project yet. My average is still not high enough (although my average has changed 3 times in the last week). I await final confirmation of my average after I sit the hebrew final.
But even so, I think I can mount a pretty strong case for why I should be allowed to do a project. My NT and Ethics essay marks are well above the 70% required. It is my exam marks (esp doctrine essay and exam mark) that pull me down.

Unfortunately I prob won't know until Feb whether I get the go-ahead. But that won't stop me thinking and researching. If I'm not allowed, then I will do something on the topic for my Issues in Theology paper.

Got any tips for what subjects to pick for 4th year?
I'm having a hard time narrowing it down. And all the ones I want to do (other than apologetics) are in 1st semester!
I can't decide whether to go for doctrine subjects or not!!

JT said...

Yeah I definitely think you should do a project.

Was that helpful?


-bw said...

Helpful as always JT!