Friday, August 18, 2006

running late - as usual

And so I couldn't sleep last night. Which meant that I ended up watching 3 episodes of Alias. As each one finished, I tried to sleep, but it didn't work. It was well past 3am by the time I nodded off. I even tried reading some of Calvin's Institutes but it didn't work.
The roll on effect...
Having set my alarm for 7am to make it to my 8am class, I woke up at 8:24am. Hmmmm - Not happy.
At least I made it to chapel. Begbie was great. Hi wife, Smeals, is having her wisdom teeth out next Monday. Please keep her in your prayers. As Trinity will tell you, it is no fun at all.
But then I bumped into KJC, who I needed to get some advice from. It ended up blowing out timewise and I missed Ethics.
Well I did make it to NT and to the youth ministry discussion.
The food fairy left me some food (yay). And I went to Miss Eliza's place for dinner and Catan with her and her hubby.
Now it is time for more Alias....

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