Wednesday, December 03, 2008

what makes it so....

A facebook friend (who happens to be a real-life friend too) posed the question on his status - how corrupted by sin can a Christian organisation become before it is no longer Christian?

Good question. What makes an organisation Christian or not?

1 comment:

Randy Furco said...

There will come a point that Ichabob(sp) is written over the door.
The spirit of the Lord has departed.

The real issue is, what we see as sin is very small compared to what The LORD considers sin.

God can be very patient and lonsufering with sins of the flesh, however religous spirits that deny His power aND treat the Blood of Jesus as a common thing. Ot that try and add to the finished work of the cross...TIE GODS HANDS FROM MOVING.

Jesus was able to overcome the sins of the prostitutes and the sinners he ministered to and show the Fthers love through HIS WORDS AND HEALING ALL WHO WERE OPPRESSED OF THE ENEMY.
However in His hometown they did not honor who he was and treated Him as a common man, they did not have faith..and they did not receive of Him.