Wednesday, June 14, 2006

weekends, dinners and holidays

After a long weekend I am feeling refreshed. I spent loads of time just hanging out with college people. It was awesome.
Back at college yesterday. 2 days into the week and 100% of lectures attended. I am v stoked.

I went over and had dinner with Trinity tonight and we watched the Origen. Always fun to hang out with her and other compatriots that I am getting to know at 'that other college'.

The other day I was musing about the fact that I wanted to go to Fraser again. This may actually become a reality. There is a possibility that I may go there on a 'working holiday' for a week of the winter break. It is an exciting possibility.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck with the Fraser possibility.
I'll make sure to think about you as I freeze my whatsit off in Tasmania!
Thanks for the Pigeon love.

Trinette said...

It's always a pleasure to have you over B!
Looking forward to Fraser! :)