Thursday, June 01, 2006

back from the edge...

with the exception of mission, this is prob the longest time i have not updated this blog. my apologies! life is a little hectic at the moment.

rather than give you a long winded rewind of the past 10 days, just know that i did some stuff, i saw some people, i did some talks, and there was some laughing and crying.

tonight saw my first formal function as an ordination candidate. i went to bishops court for dinner. it was nice to get out and hang out with friends.

friday 2 days away, i have my first proper hebrew test, following wednesday i have an ethics essay due.

anyone out there know of anywhere i can get a cheap, but safe heater? my house/room is freezing.

BTW - impressive moment of the week - i wore a dress and put makeup on tonight!


Nan0c said...

If I'm about on the weekend I'll give you a hand looking for a heater.

As for a dress and makeup?!?!?!?! I hope someone took photos :P

-bw said...

LOL, one of my lecturers saw me there and asked if my flatmate had taken a pic before i went out!! :)

I don't know if I am going to be about much this weekend to go looking for heaters (though thanks for the offer), it may have to wait until the following weekend. Essay and hectic events should be at a ower point by then also!!