Saturday, April 19, 2008

To live alone or not to live alone?

This is the question that I am currently thinking about. As a single person the question must be asked - do I live alone? or do I share-house/flat with someone?

For the last 4 years I have lived 'in community', with the last 12 months being by myself in a flat (whilst still being 'in community'). I was alone but not alone.
And I loved it. I loved that there were people around that I could spend time with and be. (I'm not denying that it was hard to get used to the 4 years of fish-bowl living!!)
But I have moved away from that 'community' and landed in a completely foreign part of Sydney where I don't know anyone or anything.

And so the question is raised: Do I share or live alone? (obviously mainly applicable to the single adult person)

For all the hype of having 'alone time' or 'personal space' (of which I am largely guilty) I wonder whether this promotes a selfish and self-centred attitude to life.
Sure, there are difficult things about flatting with someone, but I think living with someone can make you a more gracious and understanding person.

Does living alone make you more selfish?

We were created relational but individuality is a prize of modern culture.
I wonder what the connection is between the individualistic push of society and the independant push of humanity from God - that is sin.


jeltzz said...

i think i'm convinced that the majority of christians should live 'in community' which should include sharing housing-accomodation. i think this is part of God's dealing with our sinfulness.

on the other hand, i'm very aware that people need space, and they need private space. we learn culturally how much space to expect and how much space we need though. i presume that's why monks have small rooms, and why international students tolerate living like sardines in inner-city apartments.

which doesn't answer your question.

Paul said...

I think it ultimately comes down to your own personality. Are you a better Christian alone or living with others? Be practical about it, like Paul is in relation to people getting married or not.

Seamus - I know I am twisting your words - but perhaps you're right that God gave me my flatmate to punish me for my sinfulness :P

Carol Van Atta, Princess Warrior said...

Great question!

However, I,too, have no concrete answer. Gotta love that, right?

In Christ we are free to choose. Does living alone draw you closer to God or does it isolate you from others? I think its about balance. We all need relationships, yet, like Jesus, we need those times alone to be in the presence of the Father. Sorry; still didn't answer the question.

I trust God will direct you, and no matter which option you choose, you will learn and grow. God bless you! Carol

Trinette said...

Oh oh! I've got the answer!

Get a cat! Or maybe two? :)

Love ya mate!


-bw said...

maybe I could become a crazy cat lady!! :D

thanks for your comments peeps -- it is def something for me to keep pondering. I think Seumas is right, that Christians should live 'in community', but just what that looks like is going to be different for each person.

Anonymous said...

Let it be said that you can be a crazy cat lady AND have a flatmate. All at the very same time.

Anonymous said...

I know I am jumping into this WAY too late, but I'm am slack in my blog reading these days.
I don't know if there could be a real theology to housing. I guess the fact that you have an important work role should factor into things. How can you best serve the community that you are a part of. Is giving yourself to Yr.13 people taxing to the point that the home time is required more than desired?
Anyway, surely I am just as guilty as a married person for living with only my wife (If we're "one flesh" surely we really count as only one person) when we could fit other people in the house.

Live guilt-free sister! Keep it real!

Anonymous said...

As a community, we must live together share what we have. It is so difficult to live alone for many reasons. No one is perfect. There are many what we do not know. If we live alone we will loose many. When we are in a trouble we want some one corporation to solve it. For those reasons live alone is not practical and it is so difficult. We must live together.
sri lanka