Wednesday, August 01, 2007

forwards looking back

As I think about next year, I can't help but think back. Think back about jobs that I have held in the past.

David Jones sales assistant
Manly Daily paper run (this one enabled me to run a car throughout year 12 at high school)
Squash Center clerk/maintenance/sales/book-keeper/odd-jobs person
Office junior in a bank
Wendy's ice cream girl
Data entry chick for Medicare
Kitchen-hand in a cafe
Office work for the Board of Studies
Liaison work for the Department of Education
Catering manager - aka cookie
Campsite work
Youth and Children's worker
Short order cook in a cafe

I look back with fond memories and great cheer at what is to come. I must say, I really don't miss working as a kitchen-hand or doing data entry.

So what does God have planned next? (other than those assignments due in the next few weeks!)


Anonymous said...

I don't know. Can you tell us yet?

-bw said...

Not yet.......