Sunday, July 08, 2007

High Tea

Yesterday I spoke at a Jane Austen style High Tea for St Tomas' North Sydney. I got to speak on Contentment and it was a great encouragement to me. I found I was quite nervous during my prep as I am so used to giving talks at youth events rather than women's events. But I was reminded of God's goodness and grace.
It was great to be able to put down on paper and formulate some of my project thoughts into a talk rather than into a chapter for marking.

God is good
God is in control
Trust God


Anonymous said...

God is in control
Trust God

sounds a little fatalistic doesnt it? Does being content mean taking no responsibility for your environment because 'its not in your control, its in gods' ?

-bw said...

Hi mcfee - good question, I'm glad you asked. In fact that is similar to one of the questions asked after the talk.

I don't think of it as being fatalistic, but as a source of joy. (I hope the following will help illustrate how this is the case)

There is a tension to be felt between God's sovereignty and human responsibility.

To illustrate. Let's just say I want one of my friends to know about God. I could simply say, oh well, God is in control, I don't need to share the good news of Jesus with them.
But is that what the bible really says? Is that really what God wants? I don't think so. We need to trust that God is in control and we need to make ourselves available to be used by him.
Does that make sense?

Contentment isn't a fatalistic or stoic resignation that 'ah, such is life'. In fact it is about a reliance on God that brings joy and delight.

I have posted about this previously here which you may find helpful.