Monday, June 25, 2007

a one month absence.....

one would think that given that I have pretty much been housebound for almost a week with no pressing deadlines that I would have gotten around to this sooner.

the last month has been hectic moving from one deadline to the next and then to top it off I was struck down with illness during stuvac and exams. this means that while many of my friends have been studying, I have been sleeping and now as they finish, I have the pain of sitting them yet to come.

one fun thing that happened in the last month is that I have a new toy. I was given a scholarship to buy a new computer. I must confess: I have switched to mac. it is great and I have been having some fun on it (writing assignments). the down side to having a new computer is that I haven't transferred all of my files over (including pictures etc).

now I return to my bowl of jelly


byron smith said...

mmm, mac...

mmm, jelly...

-bw said...

both fun.... in moderation :)

-bw said...
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