Sunday, September 18, 2005


Now I am not going to spend much time on this as I still have 1500 words or so to write before morning, so I am not allowed to let my brain get distracted.

Sermon at church tonight got me thinking.
As usual something was said that got me on a tanget of thought.

Is it our human nature that leads us to sin? This all ties in with my thinking of the fully human nature of Christ.
I posed the question a few weeks ago to some people at college:
When Jesus walked on water and calmed the storm, was he able to do this because of his divinity of becuase of his true humanity?
Someone pointed out to me that this may not actually be a good way of looking at this as it means that we tend to try and 'split' Christ which can lead to some heresy (monophysitism I think but not sure on that one).

ok - that is all the tangenting that my brain is allowed to do right now. Back to the Pentateuch!

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