Saturday, May 20, 2006

so i am still procrastination writing this exegetical paper

here are some pics from mission taken with my fone

pirates and their parties

i walked down the street this morning with knee high stipey socks on, jeans rolled up past my knees, and dodgey painted stripey t-shirt, and a yellow check bandanna on my head. what was amusing was the fact that no-one batted an eye at my attire. i think this says something about the suburb that i live in!
even more amusing was the fact that i saw Mintie as i was walking to the party and she didn't say a word about what i was wearing. i am thinking that should make me slightly concerned about what people think about my normal (or not so normal) attire. hmmmm

it all went well, and was fun. my voice has taken a battering what with mission last week, recovering from a cold, youth group last night and then helping out with games and talking this morning at the party. it has a 'janice joplin' edge to it.

new word for the day


isn't it amazing what you can find when you are procrastinating!

Friday, May 19, 2006

inspiration and pirates

all classes attended and accounted for... well sort of! I ditched out of ethics to go to hebrew, hmmmm maybe I should be thinking more about my ethics.

back to youth group tonight. How I have missed the kids. It has been 5 weeks since I have been (2 weeks of mission, 3 weeks of school holidays). We are going to Youth Surge next week which should be tops.

I have been trying to decide if I should enter anything into the college art exhibition. I had another idea for a canvas on the way home tonight. I think I will get cracking on it after my exegetical is done for monday. I have one half finished canvas, but I don't like it anymore. I may paint over it, or just get started on one of the other 5 blank ones I have sitting in my room.

Time for me to paint a white T-Shirt with red stripes for the pirate party I am going to in the morning. The 4 year old whose party it is, told me that pirates MUST wear stripey shirts, and as he is going as a blue pirate, I must go as a red one (apparently his lego has blue and red pirates).
I'm looking forward to the treasure hunt!

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Mission in some ways was a week of getting lost. Most days I was lost in some way shape or form. Even with the aid of driving in convoy, even with specifically drawn maps to aid me, I still managed to get lost. One 20-minute trip took six times that length!

I learnt how to do stumping, teabag folding and ribbon weaving. (All are craft activities, and my life will never be the same again! I’ll teach you if you like!!)

After going to numerous women's events (due to a severe shortage of women in our team) I learnt that youth ministry is still my passion.

I learnt that it is possible to talk to a four year old whilst having a power nap.

I learnt that nanna's in Shellharbour (as in all the world!) love to give hugs and kisses.

I was reminded that God is good.

I learnt that driving a car back up Mount Ousley doesn't work without a clutch.

I learnt that God uses all situations. I had a great chat with the towtruck driver about Jesus.

I struggled not seeing my mum on mothers day.

I was reminded that we have family all over the world, family we haven't met yet. It was a joy to meet them. It was a joy to share their lives for a week.

I was anxious to get home to my own bed and recover, but now reflecting on the week, I miss some of the young adults that I met. I may go away with them in the mid year break.

I do have some piccies taken with my phone, I'll try and upload them at some stage.

Over and Out.


questions of the day:
what is the difference between ontological and deontological again? and how does divine command theory fit into this? and what about consequentialism?
also, exciting... I almost asked a question in doctrine today with PFJ, but by the time he got back to me I had forgotten the question. I am such a ditz at times!!

yes I am alive, I haven't slipped off the face of the planet, although due to car probs it took me a little longer than expected to return from Shellharbour.
back to class today, attending almost all of them. it was good for me to get back into the swing, I haven't been in regular class attendance in over 5 weeks.

tonight I headed over to 'that other college' for dinner with Trinity. We hung out, watched some TV and headed down the pub to meet Kizzie-Dawg and watch the Mundine/Green fight. Croyden Park Hotel gave me flashbacks to my old lifestyle that sometimes fade into a dim memory. It was my first boxing match that I have watched, and suprisingly I think I enjoyed it.

I saw a nastly accident on the way home. A cyclist hit by a 4WD. Sleep defies me.

Mission updates to come.

Saturday, May 06, 2006

almost ready - i think

tomorrow morning i leave to go on college mission for a week. i have pack, but i am sure that i will have forgotten something!
i don't know if i'll have internet access, so i prob won't blog til i get back (9 days).

other news, i got given a laptop today. one of the guys here at college got himself a new one, so gave me his old one. it is great, it means that i will be able to head to my parents some weekends and take work with me.
and, bonus, i get to take it on mission with me which means i can write my talks on it this week.

phooey, i just realised i can't find my usb stick. grrrrr

Friday, May 05, 2006

books books and more books

its a good dilemma to be in, but it is still a dilemma. i have run out of room for books.

not only did i spluge out last week and use some of the money in my books account to buy Karl Barth's Church Dogmatics (yes, all 14 volumes, and yes they look very pretty), but I also bought another 13 books. 9 theology, 4 christian living (mainly for my project)

arrgggghhhh, where do i put them????

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

just in case you were wondering

I decided that Jesus will return bodily and visible, I believe that is what the bible teaches, and doctrinally that is what we must insist.

Maybe one of these days I'll work out how to link my essay here and you can tell me what you think...

back to normal transmission

Back into life running...

It was nice to get some love from L'il Miss in my pigeon hole yesterday.

Tweety took me out shopping yesterday which was nice.

Survivor last night with the fellowship (I think that is the first time that I have gone this year - man where is my commitment!).

Hopefully my body will get back into routine soon.

I should really ring my friends that I am going to stay with for the week next week. I've only told them via text when I am coming, and I haven't seen them in about 18months!!

I should think about class work at some stage, apparently we have an exegetical due shortly after mission next week.

I should really clean my room....

Monday, May 01, 2006

word count: 3246


ahhh how sweet sleep will be tonight!

word count: 2610

time for a break!

word count: 2383

almost there!

word count: 2197

staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaagnating again

word count: 2113

I cracked the 2K mark!

word count: 1977

are we there yet?
how much longer?
when will we get there?

just count the telegraph poles

word count: 1808

back on the move!